Sunday 26 May 2013

Sunday #3 on a Tuesday

Wearing 18andEast top and Primark jeans x

A belated Sunday post, I hope you all had a great bank holiday weekend! I enjoyed the snippet of sun we got and ate too many carbs but what are bank holidays for?

I have a full working week this week but have some exciting things planned for next week to do and blog about...

1. Milkshakes and burgers? Can only mean Tinseltown! My little sister will be turning 16 and what better way to celebrate than force feed her copious amounts of ice cream and meat.

2. SHOPPING! Not just a trip to Westfield's Stratford which is all I have done since it was built last year, I am venturing to Oxford Street! I am so excited about going to Selfridges and plan on making it a girly day including a tea stop at some point. Which leads me onto...

3. AFTERNOON TEA! I may or may not have mentioned a bargain afternoon tea voucher purchased a while ago for a local hotel in Brentwood. It is booked up for next week Tuesday and I am so excited to put a pretty dress on and nibble on finger sandwiches once again! 

Amongst all this fun I am going to see The Great Gatsby at the cinema, is it wrong to want to see a film purely on the basis you like the costumes? No I didn't think so. I have also ordered some new spectacles to collect on Friday so keep an eye out on Instagram for some shameless selfies. 

Feel free to contact me on and follow me on Instagram- CURIOSITEA23 :) 

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