Monday 13 May 2013

We heart crafts ...

I previously mentioned that I was going to a craft fair with my mum and it was so cute! It was in a little church in Enfield, north London which was the perfect setting for the vintage inspired craft fair. One of the first things I noticed arriving to the the church was a cute chalkboard outside advertising 'cafe choo choo' when I walked inside and realised it was a tiny vintage tea room I almost jumped up and down on the spot!

Cafe Choo Choo 
Cafe choo choo was so adorable multicoloured polka dot tablecloths and mismatching furniture and when I got to the counter realised the cabinets behind were red and white polka dot and had mismatching curtains hung above! All the walls were glass so you could see into the church and what was going on. I also noticed they sold Nutella cupcakes so a return visit is in order!

Clockwise from top left- Rebecca's cakes, candles, mums cards, church cushions, mums scrapbooks, sewing crafts, handmade hairclips

Naturally I migrated straight for the cupcake stall and I was not disappointed, after much deliberation I chose an Oreo cupcake. It was chocolate sponge with buttercream icing with bits of Oreo mixed in and a mini Oreo on the top. It was presented in a little clear box and I must say it was a good cake,and I would know I have eaten a lot. I would recommend checking out Rebecca's cakes if you need cupcakes/cakes in the North London/ Hertfordshire area.

I had a go on the Tom-bola as one should whenever there is an opportunity and I won the most incredible candle! It is a tall plum honeysuckle fragranced handmade candle by a company called the Candle Cellar. The candle is 9inches tall and a good width and at the moment it is still in the wrapped up but the smell is permeating the cellophane and smells amazing, this size candle is being sold for £7 which I think is very reasonable considering what price you might pay for a known brand candle and this is handmade which in my opinion is even better!

I picked up a few other bits on my way around including a handmade pomegranate lip balm which smells divine and the texture and consistency is lovely too. A father and daughter were selling these and they also had handmade soaps for sale. Check out their website here.

My mums stall did well too she sold some of her cards and did some networking. If you are interested in handmade cards she has an Etsy shop which you can view here;and she can be contacted there if you want something made to order.

Have you found any great homemade products recently?
Follow me on Instagram CURISOITEA23

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