Sunday 5 May 2013

Sunday #2

I have had a lovely Sunday this weekend and because it is bank holiday weekend it will feel as if we get a bonus Sunday tomorrow :)

I was hoping to go to a local tea room this weekend but unfortunately I was unable to do so, but instead I spent a lovely morning making cards with my Mum.

My mum is brilliant at crafts and sells lots of handmade cards and scrapbooks and as I mentioned before she has a craft fair coming up soon. So today she was working on some cards and I thought I would give it a go myself. It was nice to relax for a couple of hours and it was very calming and therapeutic. Obviously my cards aren't professional but I am pleased with the results and might do some more in the future to give to friends and family. What do you think of them?

After my peaceful morning of crafting I had an equally chilled out afternoon. I went to a friends house in Ongar,Essex and had a lovely BBQ which between four girls we managed to work it out! To round it all off we snuggled on the sofa and watched Dirty Dancing. Bliss!

I hope you are all enjoying the May bank holiday :D

18th Birthday Card, Congratulations card 

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