Friday 24 May 2013

Free Mac?!

Firstly, apologies for the delay in posting last week I had a full diary but I am back and expect some flu posts over the next week! 

When I heard you can trade in your empty Mac containers for FREE lipstick I had to check with the store and they confirmed if you take in 6 empty Mac products you will get a free lipstick!

Obviously I ran home and raided my make up collection finding I had 5 empties and was considering chopping up a lipstick and putting it in a separate container when I found an empty lipstick tube at the bottom of a bag! The joy!

Arriving back at the store with empties in tow I felt under pressure to choose a colour and there's so much choice and why are Mac stores always so hot?! So in the end I went for the brightest shades could find seen as summers coming apparently.
Mac - I'm Passioned 

I chose 'IM PASSIONED' which is a bright pink/coral shade in Amplified cream formula. I think it's a beautiful blue toned pink which would look great with a tan and the formula is really creamy and luxurious. Did I mention it was FREE? The lipstick lasts a good couple of hours before I feel it needs reapplying but even then the lips have a lovely pink stain left on them so the colour doesn't rub off completely. I love Mac lipsticks and one of the main reasons is the smell, I hate the lipstick smell of cheaper brands.

If you don't have 6 empty Mac containers you can purchase this lipstick at the normal retail price of £14.

Also, I am trying out some drugstore foundations for off duty days as I am very much a slave to Mac at the moment so expect some reviews to come! 

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